This Is Love – For King and Country

‘Tis a wonderful song!  ❤ 🙂

Story of My Life (One Direction – Piano/Cello Cover) – The Piano Guys

It’s a good song, it’s played by the Piano Guys and that’s always awesome. 😉

MercyMe – Even If

It’s a good one. 😉

Midwest 26 Below

Don’t waste your life…What a weekend! Absolutely incredible to have that opportunity. Definitely would recommend this place, very impacting and convicting! Here is the video that shows a teeny tiny bit, of how awesome our weekend was. Enjoy! 😉

Scars – Jonny Diaz

Very awesome song. I absolutely love it.

Breckinridge 2017

Well, we did it again!! We all had an incredible time up there for a week! It’s so good to see family. Especially, when they come all the way from CA, AK, and NJ. Needless to say, it was legit! 

I think I have rights to brag a bit! 😉

Pic: Kayla Hall

Pic: Kayla Hall
That view though! ☝🏻

Until Next time, Breckinridge…until next time! ✌🏻

For King & Country – Hope Is What We Crave

These guys are SO awesome.  I saw them in concert two weeks ago and it was absolutely amazing!!  I was blown off my chair…literally 😉  Definitely worth your time to go see, if they’re in town!  I’ll post another song by them that is one of my favorites by them.  Anyways, enjoy y’all! ❤

75 Years Since Pearl Habor

Guys, please take this to heart! This is the Marines prayer. I think it’s totally appropriate for what happened 75 years ago. Please if you know anyone that is serving our country, just take a moment and pray for them!!  

Marines Prayer 👇🏻

“Almighty Father, whose command is over all and whose love never fails, make me aware of Thy presence and obedient to Thy will. Keep me true to my best self, guarding me against dishonesty in purpose and deed and helping me to live so that I can face my fellow Marines, my loved ones and Thee without shame or fear. Protect my family. Give me the will to do the work of a Marine and to accept my share of responsibilities with vigor and enthusiasm. Grant me the courage to be proficient in my daily performance. Keep me loyal and faithful to my superiors and to the duties my country and the Marine Corps have entrusted to me. Make me considerate of those committed to my leadership. Help me to wear my uniform with dignity, and let it remind me daily of the traditions which I must uphold. If I am inclined to doubt, steady my faith; if I am tempted, make me strong to resist; if I should miss the mark, give me courage to try again.” 

I absolutely love his prayer. Love you guys,  hopefully this means something to you. If not…hey it was worth the shot! ☺️

Understanding Pain

I had just read this somewhere…It was to good not to share! Some of us have experienced these things. I think it’s crazy how we can read something and it’s almost the same thing that has happened to us,  but in different words!  I hope this helps those who need a little boost for the day.  It sure helped me!


“Hard things happen to each of us. The Bible says it rains on the just and unjust. (Matthew 5:45) This means none of us are pain resistant. Pain eventually seeps into each of our lives. But what we don’t think about is the fact that were never created to handle pain. Pain is a result of our fallen human race. We were never equipped to deal with this thing called pain. It’s foreign. It’s not in Heaven and it’s not in out human ecosystem.  As a result, it takes great understanding of how and when we actually began to experience pain and, ultimately, how to release it from our lives.

Many times we have experiences like Joseph. (Genesis 37:12-24) Without warning, we are thrust into deep emotional pits. Places of pain. Moments, so painful, we completely lose ourselves. We can feel entirely helpless to the idea of climbing out of our pit of pain. Each of us would like to know how to get out but rarely do we feel compelled to actually claw our way out.  The thought of one more failure may be more than we can bear. So, we merely survive. We lay low and look for ways to function without really living because living ultimately = pain.

As children, many of us experienced circumstances that were completely out of our control, causing serious pain. Depending on how hurtful our childhood was, we developed deep patterns, more habits, and more coping mechanisms to survive in our pit of pain.

Getting older doesn’t guarantee we get wiser. How quickly can we stop our pain without stopping the flow of our daily lives? “Doing whatever it takes” becomes our goal. Each of us attempts to keep the pain out… or so we think. The lie is this: we believe we can control our pain. We believe that pain as long as it’s not affection us, doesn’t still hurt us. Pain is a pit and the only way out is to climb out. If a prisoner feels momentary freedom, they attempt to avoid the harsh reality that they are not free. Pain can render us powerless to face life.

It’s not hard to fall into pits of pain, but do we know how to get out of them and, more importantly, stay out?

Consider this: the moment you know how to get out of the pit, you have confidence. Fear goes away. it leaves because you know that if and when you fall into a pit again, you know how to get out. It doesn’t leave you helpless and powerless but rather powerful and free. We are not bound by ‘what if’ fears any longer. You’ll know exactly how you got out and what to do if you get stuck again.

You are NOT alone!! You were made for HARD THINGS. The Holy Spirit desperately wants to get you out of your pit. He wants to build confidence through perseverance.

Can you get out of your pit? Yes!! is it going to take all you’ve got? YES! Is it ok to be angry? (Ephesians 4:26) Yes, in face you need to be. You need to feel the emotion of a prisoner. That feeling will motivate you to get out and stay out. Until you can look back and see how dark a pit you lived in and never want to go back again, you are not fully free. ”

WOW!  Good stuff!

Have yourself a goodnight and stay warm!

Your Cardiovascular System!

Doesn’t that sounds interesting?! Well, this past week i’ve been learning about the cardiocasvcular system…and there was one part in it that I thought was really awesome.  Wanna hear? 😉

“Think for a moment about these two words: heart and blood. Are there any words for bodily parts that have deeper meaning in our everyday speech? “Blood is thicker than water,” we say the (meaning we need to put up with our relatives because they are related to us..:). We worry about “bad blood” between former friends. In the news hear about the possibility of “bloodshed” between warring nations. We talk about people’s passions, their motivating force, as their very “lifeblood.”  When it come to our Lord Jesus Christ, we claim His blood as the price of our salvation.

He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.  – Ephesians 1:7 NLT 

Why should these words have such intense meaning? as we will see, “lifeblood” comes close to answering that question. Blood means life. Loss of enough blood means death. The way that the heart responds to emotions by speeding up and pounding has given us those rich words that mean love, courage, loyalty, generosity, or deep sincerity–heart!!”

Heart of the matter

“There is great emotion tied up in the anatomical word heart. We give our heart, share our heart, and pour out our heart. We win our lovers heart. We can be bighearted, but truly great people are greathearted. We can be tenderhearted and softhearted–but hopefully not hardhearted! A heart can be broken; a heart can ache. We might be fainthearted, though we try to be stouthearted. Yes, heart is a hearty word, filled with layers of meaning that we hold in our heart of hearts. Check out the concordance of your Bible for some of the most beautiful uses of the word heart in the English language.”

–Shannon and Yunis


Pretty good, huh?!! Yeah, that’s my science. 🙂